Training: Plan, Prepare and Execute!

Training: Plan, Prepare and Execute!

Team Force Atlantic have been together now for approximately 15-months and coupled with the Covid-19 environment we have all found ourselves in over the last year or so, the team have had plenty of time and opportunity to plan and prepare for our participation in the TWAC 2021.

Onboard a R45 Elite Ocean Rowing Boat

Onboard a R45 Elite Ocean Rowing Boat

Welcome back to my blog. So far, we have journeyed through ‘The Past, the Present and the Future’, Blackburn’s Quiz and Risk vs Reward (the importance of the Rehabilitation) and for my fourth blog, I hope to give you a glimpse of the team dynamics aboard an Ocean Rowing Boat.

It's time to get on the water

It's time to get on the water

I’ve had mixed advice on whether it’s worth learning to river row before rowing an ocean. Some people said there’s no point because it’s so different to ocean rowing, and then others tell me to definitely learn because although it is different, there are still so many similarities.